I’ve very little time. So I ‘ll keep it short. Want you to see just one picture. This one, pues. When I arrive in Pasto – near to the border of Equador – I’ll upload a little diary (Yes my friend Patrick Hayes, in English) whith nice pics. Got even better ones of the militairies. I want you all to know that Colombia is the best country I’ve ever visited. I mean until so far. Still have to face a difficult road. The one from Popayan to Pasto. Seems to be a little dangerous. Pues, I’ve to leave at daybreak. In general the Colombians treat me like a king. I feel here more relaxed than in Mexico, the States, Holland… well you name it. I’ll leave Colombia with a bleeding corazon. I decided to come back. Yes, I’ll be back.
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Hey Paul, good to read your doing ok. This blog thing is finally getting up to speed. Happy hunting for those must-read stories!
Looks like those handgranates are 2nd hand…..been used before?
Hi Paul, glad you enjoyed Colombia. I visited South America 10 years ago on a truck with 12 other gap year kids. By far my favorite was Colombia. The people are lovely generous souls and I miss the beauty of the country. Might be tempted to re-visit now I’ve read your accounts. Keep posting, it’s great being along for the ride with you. Ride safe
Hee Paul! Back on the road, how does it feel? As if you had never stopped, I hope. Greetings my Guzzi-friend.