How to clear a mind

Guzman, my man, we’re going to handle things different today. What about speaking another language and make a fool of ourselve? I’m receiving ‘signs’ that I’ll have to proceed in English and that’s too bad, cause my English sucks. I’m still in Santiago Atitlan, a native Welk spreekwoord?village at Lago Atitlan. It is spooky here, Guzman. At every street corner there is this ‘Jesus is the path to glory’-church. The whole damn place is just one big God house. Spiritual energy floats through the streets, seeking for me as well. The churches are booming. You can hear the Indians calling for their Creator at every eight o clock in the morning. With loudspeakers and all. Embarrassing! The energy is so much alive that it got to me as well. Yep hermano, praise the Lord. No sex before marriage (‘I’ll be watching you’). Amen. Keep my voice down. No drinks and drugs. Hallelujah. You know, stuff like that. Maybe, in my case, it’s just a temporary loss of mind and it all disappears when I take the Fantastic Guzzi out for a ride. The wind will clear my mind then.

Before we get there, I do have to notice that I’m getting little signs or messages for a while now. It obviously started in Alaska and it’s getting galore. They all appear being a coincidence, but I know they’re not. For example meeting in La Paz of all places, was no coincidence. You and I know that. She was there to say that everything is just fine. ‘Don’t worry, keep on trucking. You’ve got my blessing’. I sure was fine in Mexico. Didn’t stay for a month as planned but half a year! I received many, many little ‘Nancy appearances’ now Guzman. I can’t neglect them anymore, because they lead to an answer, no lie. Isn’t this spooky he?
And I’m not ready yet. You know that in my darkest hours of the last past weeks, when even Jesus and Buddha told me to ‘hang in there, dude’, I practiced this living in the moment thing hard and I’m getting a hang of it. And while being in the moment you can see things you normally don’t. Well at least this enlightened and peaceful soul can.

Listen to this Guzman; it’s just a matter of awareness. People do point you at a certain direction, and a character on television can be talking to you in private, and this girl showing up at a crucial moment is not a coincidence, and a headline in a newspaper could be meant for you. Even a little paper on the street can draw your attention. They all (can) contain little messages, if you can see them or feel them. I’m playing this game now Guzman, and it’s fun. You never know the outcome, but you do know that what ever happens, the outcome will never harm you. Are you still with me? Isn’t this fun, old sport? So, an old indigene woman sold me on the street a lempira (Honduran money) for two quetzals. I bought it because I felt I had to and I want to see were the lempira leads to, just for fun. So probably this means that I go straight to Honduras and leave El Salvador behind. Maybe it´s just an symbolic figure. People buy for the symbolic amount of, lets say one lempira or a dollar, buildings, company´s, or this 20-year old Chiefs daughter. Hell, do I know what you can buy or do with one lempira. So let´s see. As long as I don’t have any expectation it can be anything I want and it will eventually serve the cause, and that’s me. I will point out this lempira meaning when it’s time. And I’ll tell you what the outcome of the sign was, okay? So the circumstances lead you trough the day and they will, because you have faith in them. Holy cow, and I haven’t had my THC-smokes yet!

Now, just once more about this expectation thing, Guzman and then I’ll shut up and do MY thing the rest of the day, which is doing absolutely nothing. You can’t expect anything. You hear me – anything. This was thrown in my face once more. Wow man, thought I was entitled to some cash flow. Wrote twenty (20!) small stories (with pictures) for a Dutch magazine with catholic intentions, whatever that means. They congratulated me five months ago with the assignment and were willing to pay a nice weekly amount of money. And when you think it’s about time to talk about payment – fuck, Paul Dickhead worked hard for this – you hear that everything is of. ‘Sorry man, all the best, keep up the good work.’ So Guzman (still there?) what do we learn from this – that you indeed can’t expect anything and that you can’t trust a Dutch catholic on his word.

PS No crazy Guzzi stories Guzman. I’m taking the bus, so she can rest for a while.
PS Starting to miss people back home. Here’s one, (my ex-Moppie), Ilana. And she´s driving a Ducati!

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  1. Well, whatever language you write in, i’ll keep reageren in het Nederlands, dat gaat mij het beste af. Maar ook in het Engels zijn je schrijfsels aangenaam lessvoer, ook al komt het wat chaotischer over. Maar misschien ís het gewoon een chaotisch stukje. Hoe dan ook, succes met het zoeken naar de juiste messages. Ik denk dat er een paar hele mooie een paar duizend kilometer naar het zuiden te vinden zijn.
    Ga zo door!

    According to Vasilis – 19:36 (op 23 Februari ’06)
  2. Are you sure you didn’t have a smoke?

    According to Tony – 19:56 (op 23 Februari ’06)
  3. paul, im so glad fianely to be aible to read youre website!!
    youre not making full of yourself, it sounds graet
    and speaks about things that are important to all of us!keep following the signs…im in kopan, hope to see you in few days
    take care

    According to tal – 20:55 (op 23 Februari ’06)
  4. Engels is wel leuk,maar alleen omdat ik jouw engels een beetje kan volgen.
    Lekker spiritueel bezig Paul,ik heb nog wel een paar boeken voor je.
    Hoe zijn de mensen daar???
    Voor de rest,Keep on writing en shooting
    (foto’s) Lator…

    According to kees – 21:29 (op 23 Februari ’06)
  5. C´mon guys, try to understand this. I mean, two years ago the only sign I could interpret was my dick standing up.

    According to Paul – 22:33 (op 23 Februari ’06)
  6. he broer, je gaat afkick verschijnselen vertonen. het feit dat je al een tijdje droog staat (ik bedoel zonder motorfiets)maakt dat je gaat hallucineren. neem Tal mee achterop en maak de reis af. Heb je tenminste nog iemand om tegen te lullen. gisteren nog even Oom Hans gesproken. zelfs die begon zich al zorgen te maken. Overigens : al die mensen in Lago Atitlan waren zeker allemaal erg ongelukkig. Zoals jij het beschrijft lopen die mensen daar met hun ziel onder hun arm, kan er geen lachje af, zijn niet gastvrij en “they ran out of luck”. I’ll bet it is quite the opposite.
    Trouwens Hans gaat op zijn 70 jarige leeftijd (hans, petje af en met alle respect) nog op zijn motor naar portugal. Ik hoop van ganze harte dat ik hem nog eens overtref.
    Dus : hold your horses, seek the horizon and head for pategonia.

    According to Peter – 09:02 (op 24 Februari ’06)
  7. You’re certainly well integrated there with your ‘sign reading’ ability! Just remember never to mention it back home (if you vere get there): the dutch psychiatrists will make mincemeat out ouf your psyche and reduce you to a druling wreck, in the timespan of a few days.

    According to Carel – 10:51 (op 24 Februari ’06)
  8. Wat was er eerder Paul, de kip of het ei?? Volgens mij hebben al die kerkgangers een vreemde uitwerking op je… Spring toch lekker op die motor man, hulp met koppakkingen en weet ik veel wat is je al aangeboden dus daar kan het toch niet aan liggen, de wereld ligt aan je voeten!!

    According to Luc – 11:03 (op 24 Februari ’06)
  9. Hey Doll, here you are again, finally!! Fijn weer wat van je horen moppie 😉


    According to Ilana – 11:31 (op 24 Februari ’06)
  10. Kom op Paul.
    Ballen verzamelen en weer terug op de motor!

    According to bruce – 08:48 (op 25 Februari ’06)
  11. hey beste Paul, hopelijk gaat alles goed, je weet, je bent steeds welkom in Antigua, bij die gekke Belg, ik zal in het vervolg meer sigaretten klaarleggen voor je
    hopelijk ben je over de grens geraakt naar Honduras

    According to deweerdt Luc – 22:47 (op 27 Februari ’06)
  12. You are hallucinating????

    Here is a sign. Stop smoking weed. Let your head clear up. You’ll start to see clearer and won’t take the advice of dead dogs…….

    It only gets better. Stay focused, Dude

    According to Tom in Boston – 19:53 (op 28 Februari ’06)
  13. oye paul se que no hablas mucho el español mi hermana liz me hablaba mucho de ti a hora no lo hace y sabes no se porque me gusta revisar tu pagina en internet no lo se la verdad pero bueno espero que me contestes o que me mandes algunas palabras no. yo vivo en acapulco.

    According to edith lorenzo – 23:02 (op 15 Maart ’06)

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